Pro Tips for Remote Work Success

  • Post published:September 29, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Remote work has become more relevant and there has been a massive shift towards this new way of working, or should we call it “the new era of working”. There are many benefits to working remotely. More time to do the things you love, great savings in traveling expenses, better productivity (if done right!) and even more travel possibilities. For some these benefits can be a major lifestyle improvement. But to make this all work it’s important to keep a good balance between work life and your personal life. So let’s explore some pro tips to make the best of remote work.

Pro Tips for Remote Work

Have a set work schedule

For some it’s tempting to reach for the laptop or iPad first thing in the morning while still in bed! Just to quickly check emails and to see how the calendar for the day is looking. Some people do the same during the evenings before getting ready to sleep. This essentially enables a 16 hour work related window and can make it difficult to zone out and relax. The solution is to have a set work schedule and stick to it as far as possible.

Dress like a remote working Pro

Get out of those pyjamas! Yes it’s comfortable, super quick to get ready and works when there so no video call scheduled. But you need to get into that work mind set and dress the part. Sure there is no need for high heels or fancy block pattern ties – just dress a bit more formal to get your mind in focus and into work mode.

Keep healthy collaboration with the team

If you’re working from home then it’s easy to become a bit isolated from the rest of the team. There are many productivity, problem solving and morale related benefits to having good communication with your co-workers. So keep up the frequent collaboration chats and video calls, and keep it short! There are some really great tools out there to make this easier than ever.

Setup a proper remote home office

If you are using a co-working space then you are basically all set. But if you work from home then it’s a good idea to have a properly designated space to work from. Good lighting, silent surroundings, a comfortable chair, a good computer screen and a fast internet connection are all important components to keep in mind.

Get equipped with the right remote work Tech Tools

Apart from having a decent computer with good performance, it always helps to have the right soft tools available. For video conferencing there is Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Skype. Popular file management includes Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive. Great collaboration tools include Slack, Trello and Asana. Most of these tools are easy to learn and will make your remote work day much easier.

So there it is, some great pro tips on remote work to boost that efficiency. You are welcome to subscribe to our free email updates and stay up to date on the latest. If you are looking for remote work, then consider adding your profile to Remote Work Talent.

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